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Laser Skin Rejuvenation and Tightening

Aerolase laser treatment allows for increased cell formation, increased collagen production for a more youthful and tighter appearance. Pain free with no down time!! Treatments are done in series for maximum efficacy.


Please schedule a consultation before booking, for skin evaluation and treatment plan development.

Laser skin treatment
Aerolase Laser Skin Treatments

The Aerolase Neo laser is FDA approved for treatments of skin conditions such as: Acne,Psoriasis, Rosacea, Warts, Angiomas, etc. Aerolase laser works wonders for all aesthetic concerns including hyperpigmentation, melasma, bruising, scars, straie, spider veins, vascular lesions and more.Three sessions or more are recommended for optimal results. Treatments can be done monthly. No downtime expected.

The Aerolase Era laser uses targeted energy to gently remove the outermost layer of your skin, focusing on water in the skin’s surface. This precise process removes old, damaged skin without causing long recovery times. As the outer tissue is removed, it is replaced with fresh, healthy skin. This treatment improves skin tone and texture, reduces pore size, and can even help with active acne.  After your treatment your skin may look red  and feel like a light sunburn. Expect redness for 4-5 days. 

Treatment price varies per patient needs. Please schedule a consultation with your specialist for pricing, skin evaluation and treatment plan development.


Microneedling is a cosmetic  procedure that involves small micro-punctures with sterile needles. Creating injury allows the skin to stimulate collagen production, shrink pores, reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Microneedling helps to even skin's tone, texture and scarring. Treatments are done monthly, 3-6 sessions are  recommended depending on patients skin concerns.  Patient will be prepped with numbing medication before procedure.

1 session $375 |  3 sessions 1050

PRP can be added at additional cost.


Patients blood is drawn and spun in centrifuge and PRP/PFR is extracted. The Platelet Rich Plasma or Platelet Rich Fibrin which is the liquid gold portion of your blood. PRP contains growth factors and stem cells that trigger cell reproduction and stimulate tissue regeneration and healing to the treatment area. Helps to even skin tone, hyperpigmentation and scarring.


Contains Amino Acids, growth factors, lipids, peptides and proteins that communicate cell to cell to trigger regeneration. Exosomes treatment results in subtle, firm, and brighter skin.

*PRP or Exosomes can be added to service for additional fee.  

Microneedling with Radio Frequency (Virtual RF)

VirtueRF Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment that rejuvenates your skin by stimulating collagen production and tightening the skin. It can also help reduce stubborn fat in areas like under the chin and the cheeks, giving you a more contoured appearance. Clients can expect a smoother, more youthful complexion and a naturally sculpted look with minimal downtime.

3 sessions recommended depending on patients skin concerns

1 session/3 sessions

Face -  $700/ $1890

Face + Neck- $900/ $24300

Face + Neck+ Decolette - $1050/$2835

Cheeks, Double Chin, Scars- $600/ 1620

Arms, Thighs, Abdomen- $1000/ $2700

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Chemical Peels

Chemicals peels are applied by skilled aestheticians or medical professionals ranging from superficial to deep exfoliation. Superficial peels require no downtime help to even complexion, smooth skins appearance, trigger new cell growth and rejuvenation. Medium to deep peels initiate wound healing process through controlled trauma. Increases  epidermal and dermal skin thickness and require downtime, up to 7 days. Depending on a clients needs and expectations a recommendation will be made by your skincare professional. 3-4 sessions recommended four weeks apart.

Peels Used - Circadia and VI Peel

Price range $90 - 400 each peel

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